
Project Info

HaxIoT is a hardware and software company building the Internet of Things using LoRaWAN technology. We had a previous working relationship with the founders, and they happily came to us to update their website graphics.

HaxIoT's website is powered by WordPress and utilizes a pre-built theme. We not only learned to work with their theme's functionalilties, but we also created custom graphics to convey the abstract concept of IoT and LoRaWAN devices that work well with the theme. We hand-crafted rotating banner images, diagram to showcase HaxIoT's end-to-end device lineup, a set of images focused on their IoT solutions, and redesigned their homepage layout.

Photoshop, Illustrator, WordPress
Branding, Illustration, Web Design
HaxIoT 1
HaxIoT 2
HaxIoT 3
HaxIoT 4
HaxIoT 5
HaxIoT 6
HaxIoT 7